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Seven COVID-19 cases in T gana on Saturday


Seven COVID-19 cases in T gana on Saturday
Hyderabad, Apr 25 () The number of COVID-19 cases inTelangana saw a dip on Saturday with only seven positive casesbeing reported.

This takes the number of positive cases reported in thestate till date to 990, an officia release said

With seven fresh cases being detected, the number ofactive cases in Telangana has risen to 658, it said.

No death occurred on Saturday and the number of peoplewho succumbed to the virus continues to be 25.

The bulletin said 16 people were cured or discharged fromhospital after recovery.

With this, the number of people discharged from hospitalshas gone up to 307, he said. SJR APRRAVINDRANATH APRRAVINDRANATH

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