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Quarantine Centre sealed in Manipur after patient tests positive for COVID-19


Quarantine Centre sealed in Manipur after patient tests positive for COVID-19
Imphal, May 15 () A community quarantine centre inManipur's Imphal East district was sealed after a man who waslodged in the facility tested positive for COVID-19, anofficial said on Friday.

Imphal East Deputy Commissioner Rangitabali Waikhomsaid the Jamia Galina Aziz Girls School which was a designatedquarantine centre was declared a "containment zone" and thebuilding "completely sealed" as per the Manipur EpidemicDiseases COVID-19 Regulations 2020.

A 31-year-old man who had been quarantined in thecentre since May 13 tested positive for COVID-19 on Thursday.

The COVID-19 positive patient was now lodged at anisolation ward of Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of MedicalScienes here.

He had come from Mumbai along with four others in ahired vehicle and reached the state on May 13.

Officials said the patient is "asymptomatic as ofnow."

Meanwhile, a Health Department release said contacttracing of the patient has already started. CORRG RG

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