Pondy Minister against easing lockdown norms laid by Centre
The Health Minister Malladi Krishna Rao told newsmenthat Puducherry and the outlying regions of Karaikal, Maheand Yanam have been considered safe zones as there has beenno single positive COVID-19 cases during the last 11 days'.
But Puducherry and other outlying regions, he said,are surrounded by red zones - States of Tamil Nadu, AndhraPradesh and Kerala .
Under the circumstances the relaxation of therestrictions is definitely a threat to the safety ofPuducherry as already people have come over to the townin droves from the neighbouring states for various reasons,he said. "I have information that the OPDs in government hospitalsin Puducherry have started receiving a goog number ofpatients from the neighbouring states and movement of thepeople on the roads had also increased in the wake ofrelaxation of the restrictions," he said.
Rao said he had requested the Chief Minister VNarayanasamy to take stock of the situation and reconsiderthe relaxation of restrictions in the larger interest of thesafety of the people in the context of the COVID-19 outbreakin the neighbouring states.
The Health Minister said the Central government hadgiven the guidelines only for guiding the states dependingupon the ground situation.
For instance, the Telangana government had extended thelockdown from May 3 to 7, he said.'
Rao, elected from Yanam an enclave of Puducherry inAndhra Pradesh, said because of active support of allsections of people and officials of various departments, "wehave a very good record of keeping the spread of the virus atbay all these days."
Puducherry had during the last 27 days put in good workso much so that only three patients were under treatment inthe government hospital here after discharge of four afterrecovery.
He said he got a report on Monday that because ofrelaxation of restrictions, "social distancing has beenthrown to the winds in several parts in Puducherry which is adiscouraging trend."
He said, "We could wait just for two weeks so that ourrecord of having a safe environment will not be disturbed andwill remain intact."
A Health department source told that on Monday anumber of patients were referred to the government hospitalshere by the health authorities in neighbouring districts.
These patients were thronging the OPDs in generalhospital and in the Rajiv Gandhi Government Women and Childhospital here.
"We cannot deny service to the people from other places.What we want is that there could be reference of patientsafter the situation becomes normal in Puducherry," the sourcesaid. CORNVG NVG