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PM pitches for 'do gaz doori' again to check COVID-19 spread


PM pitches for 'do gaz doori' again to check COVID-19 spread
New Delhi, Apr 27 () Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday said masks and face covers would become part of our lives in the days to come, and batted for maintaining social distancing by reiterating the mantra of 'do gaz doori'.

Interacting with chief ministers of various states, Modi also cautioned that the danger posed by the deadly virus is far from over and constant vigilance is of paramount importance.

Modi said masks and face covers "would become part of our lives in the days ahead," according to an official statement.

He also reiterated the mantra of "do gaz doori" (distance of two yards) to check the spread of coronavirus.

The prime minister urged the chief ministers to factor in the changes in weather - the advent of summer and monsoon - and the illnesses that can potentially come in this season, while strategising ahead.

Addressing gram panchayats via video on Friday, Modi had applauded rural India for describing social distancing in simple words "do gaz doori" so that people understand it better.

He had used the phrase on Sunday as well during his monthly "Mann ki Baat" programme. NAB KJKJ

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