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One more patient recovers from COVID-19, discharged


One more patient recovers from COVID-19, discharged
Puducherry, May 3 (): A patient admitted to IndiraGandhi Government Medical College Hospital here for COVID-19was discharged on Sunday after recovery from the infection,taking the total number discharges to three so far.

Health Minister Malladi Krishna Rao told presspersonsthat with the discharge of the patient from neighbouringTirubhuvanai village, the number of active cases in the UnionTerritory has come down to three - two in the medical collegehospital in Puducherry and one in Mahe.

JIPMER has three active cases from neighbouringCuddalore district in Tamil Nadu.

Of the three active cases admitted last week, one is awoman and the two others are her relatives and have hadcontact history, sources said.

Last month, a patient, hailing from neighbouringAriyankuppam village, was discharged from a hospital hereafter recovering. Puducherry had eight active patients. While threepatients have been discharged, one hailing from Mahesuccumbed to the infection in a hospital in Kerala some daysago. CORNVG NVG

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