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New measures to be put in place at Hyderabad airport post lockdown operations


New measures to be put in place at Hyderabad airport post lockdown operations
Hyderabad, May 5 (): Contactless terminal entryand social distancing are among a slew of new operationalprocedures being put in place at the Rajiv GandhiInternational airport here to ensure passenger safety onceoperations resume post the coronavirus lockdown.

All passengers will be encouraged to use web check-in before arriving at the Rajiv Gandhi International Airportwhile the rest can use CUSS (Common Use Self Service) kioskbefore entering the terminal, airport sources said on Tuesday.

The number of CUSS machines on the forecourt have beenincreased to 19 with the option of contactless usage, thesources added.

Contactless terminal entry system is put in place toavoid any possible contact between the CISF personnel and thepassengers, they said.

Temperature screening will be done by CISF withautomated thermal cameras at all terminal entry points withprovision of social distancing markers.

Automatic hand sanitizer dispensers at terminal entrypoints have also been placed, sources said.

"Passenger baggage will be spray coated with chemicaldisinfectant which evaporates by the time bags reach thepassenger on the belt. The mechanism thus ensures that thepassenger baggage is thoroughly disinfected from any possiblecontaminants before it reaches the passenger," they said.

SGK Kishore,CEO, GMR Hyderabad InternationalAirport Limited said, the entire Hyderabad Airport familyincluding all stakeholders is working through the lockdownperiod to ensure that the right measures are in place forensuring passenger safety once commercial flight operationsare permitted to resume by the government.

"While the airport is geared up with a high level ofhygiene and new operational procedures, passengers' role inkeeping the airport safe would also be equally important. Werequest all passengers to extend their cooperation and supportfor measures such as usage of face masks, thermal screeningand social distancing," he said.

Thermal screening will be done on all the arrivingpassengers using non contact temperature screeners and thermalscreening cameras besides, self declaration forms containingthe passengers' travel history, health status and contactdetails may be collected. GDK SS

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