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MP: Indore cops tonsure heads to stave off coronavirus


MP: Indore cops tonsure heads to stave off coronavirus
Indore, Apr 15 () Policemen in Madhya Pradesh'sIndore city, which is the worst coronavirus-hit region in thestate, have tonsured their heads as a preventive measureagainst contracting the deadly disease.

Some of these men in khaki, with their shaved heads,were seen manning the streets of Chandan Nagar and other areasof the walled city during the COVID-19 lockdown.

"A head constable and four constables of Chandan Nagarpolice station have tonsured their heads to reportedly protectthemselves from the virus, as they believe that the pathogencan latch on to their hair," town inspector (TI) Yogesh Tomarof Chandan Nagar police station said.

Apart from this, police personnel deployed in theaffected areas washed their hands frequently to stave off theinfection, he said.

Some policemen also believe that after tonsuring theirheads they can apply sanitisers on their scalps as an extraprecaution, the official said.

A constable, on condition of anonymity, said he hadtonsured his head as a preventive measure since he wasdeployed in one of the most severely hit areas of the city.

"The shaved head also provides some respite from thesummer heat," he added.

Meanwhile, chief medical and health officer PraveenJadia said 544 people in the city had tested positive forCOVID-19 so far, of which 37 had succumbed to the pandemic. HWP LAL MASARU ARU

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