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Mah:Coronavirus positive woman delivers girl at civil hospital


Mah:Coronavirus positive woman delivers girl at civil hospital
Aurangabad, Apr 18 () A 30-year-old woman, who isundergoing treatment for COVID-19 disease at the civilhospital here in Maharashtra, delivered a girl through surgeryon Saturday, doctors said.

Gynaecologist Dr Kamlakar Mudkhedkar, who was part ofa team of doctors who conducted Cesarean Section (CS)procedure on the woman at the COVID care facility, claimedthat it was first such case in the state.

Dr. Mudkhedkar, Head of Department, Gynaecology, saidthat he and his colleagues wore Personal Protection Suitesduring the procedure which lasted for 30 minutes.

He said they decided to go for the CS as the womancouldn't deliver even five days after her due date.

"We first tried to go for a natural delivery, but asthat didn't work, we opted for the CS procedure. This is thefirst such case in Maharashtra," said Dr. Mudkhedkar.

He said the doctors found it tough to operate wearingthe suits, but anyway completed the procedure with 30 minutesaround 12 noon.

"Working with the personal protective gear was alittle tough as it restricts the normal movements," he said.

He said the newborn girl weighs 3.2 kg and healthy.

"Her swab sample has been taken to ascertain whethershe has contracted coronavirus infection. Its results areawaited," the gynaecologist said, adding that the woman willremain in isolation for the stipulated period. AWNSK NSK

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