Maha: 'Man who died of pneumonia found coronavirus positive'
The deceased and his family members had not travelledoutside Amravati in the recent past, officials said.
"His throat swab was sent for a laboratory test, whichtested positive to coronavirus," he said.
Officials are now trying to identify people who cameinto contact with the deceased.
According to officials, this is the first COVID-19case in Amravati.
They said that four members from the family of thedeceased, including two women, have been quarantined for 14dys and his area of residence being sanitised.
District Collector Shailesh Naval said that all shopsin the area are shuttered to avoid crowding of people for atleast two days.
Another official said that neither the deceased norhis family members travelled outside the city in the last sixmonths.
The doctor who initially treated the deceased after hedeveloped symptoms of cough and cold has also been isolated.
Meanwhile, a person who tested positive to novelcoronavirus in Washim district on April 2 was found to havecome into contact with eight persons from Badnera in Amravatidistrict, Naval said.
"Swabs of all the eight have been sent for testing andthey have been home quarantined," he said. CLS CORRNSK NSK