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Maha: Gadchiroli stays vigilant to retain COVID-19 free tag


Maha: Gadchiroli stays vigilant to retain COVID-19 free tag
Mumbai, May 14 () The administration of Gadchiroli,which is the only district so far untouched by the scourge ofcoronavirus in Maharashtra, is now being more vigilant toensure it retains the green zone tag.

The authorities are mindful that if at all anyCOVID-19 case comes to light in the district, it will comefrom outside and hence, they have enhanced efforts and areclosely monitoring migrant workers entering the territory.

Maharashtra has total 36 districts.

Gadchiroli, located over 900 km from Mumbai in thestate's Vidarbha region and having a population of around 12lakh, has not reported a single COVID-19 case yet.

"If at all any (positive) case comes here, it willcome from outside the district now. So, we are strictlymonitoring the labourers who are entering the district limits.We are being extra careful of people coming from non-containment zones of places which have reported more cases,Gadchiroli Collector Deepak Singla told over phone.

Singla said nearly 18,000 workers have entered theterritory of Gadchiroli from neighbouring districts likeNagpur and Chandrapur and states like Telangana, AndhraPradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh since May 1.

These people were allowed to enter the district onlyif they possessed medical certificates as per norms and werekept under institutional quarantine according to theguidelines, he said, adding that the workers are not allowedto enter their native villages directly.

"We have formed gram samitis (committees) of sarpanch,talathi (revenue officer), gram sevaks locally to keep a watchand people coming from outside are being quarantined atschools for a 14-day period, Singla said.

Nearly 2,500 migrant workers have been sent to theirnative states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh,Chhattisgarh, and other districts in Maharashtra fromGadchiroli till now, he said.

The district authorities had earlier (before May 1)quarantined 18,000 to 20,000 people after the nationwidelockdown was announced, Singla said, adding that theirquarantine period is over.

The district administration has allowed markets in thedistrict to remain open from 7 am to 5 pm with certainrestrictions and on the condition of maintaining socialdistancing.

"We are, however, not allowing public events, theofficial said.

As of Wednesday, Maharashtra reported 25,922positive cases and 975 deaths -- highest in the country.

Mumbai in the state has so far reported the highestnumber of COVID-19 cases and deaths. ENMGK GK

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