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Maha: Cured of COVID-19, nurse gears up to serve again


Maha: Cured of COVID-19, nurse gears up to serve again
Aurangabad, Apr 22 () A male nurse, who had testedpositive for COVID-19 at the Government Medical College andHospital in Maharashtra's Aurangabad city, is now gearing upto the fight the pandemic again, following recovery.

The nurse, who had tested positive for the virus inthe first week of April, underwent treatment at the civilhospital here and is now quarantined as a precautionarymeasure.

"I was a little nervous when I tested positive, butnow I am using this time to prepare myself to serve people,"he said.

Having completed 12 years in the profession, the nursewas deployed in the casualty unit of the GMCH, when hecontracted the infection.

"The casualty unit is the first place where all kindsof patients are treated, so it is possible that I may havecontracted the infection there," he said, adding that allnecessary protective gear was made available to the staff.

"I was first treated for viral fever for a day, but myswab sample was collected immediately, following which Itested positive for the infection," he said.

At least 10 of his family members were tested for thevirus, but thankfully their reports came out negative, hesaid.

Despite the tough treatment protocol, the 39-year-oldsaid he was all set to get back to work after the 14-dayquarantine period gets over.

"I will work with renewed energy, irrespective ofwhere I am posted. I am not scared of anything anymore," headded. AWARU ARU

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