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Lockdown has badly hit working class: Mamata


Lockdown has badly hit working class: Mamata
Kolkata, May 1 () West Bengal Chief Minister MamataBanerjee on Friday said the ongoing lockdown to combat theCOVID-19 pandemic has badly hit the working class.

She greeted all workers and their families on"international workers day" and said that all "have to standshoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters" duringthis tough times.

"On #InternationalWorkersDay, my humble greetings toall workers around the world & their families. The COVID-19pandemic and the subsequent lockdown have hit the workingclass hard. We have to stand shoulder to shoulder with ourbrothers and sisters," Banerjee tweeted on Friday.

The chief minister referred to the two new schemesannounced by her government to help the migrant labourers andthose working in the unorganised sector who are badly hit bythe lockdown.

"To stand by the working class during the lockdown,our Govt in #Bangla announced two new schemes - 'SneherPorosh' for migrant labourers, and 'Prochesta' for workers inthe unorganised sector, she added.

Under the 'Sneher Porosh' scheme the West Bengalgovernment is providing Rs 1000 financial assistance tomigrant works who are stuck in different parts of the countrydue to the lockdown.

The 'Prochesta' scheme was launched to help dailyworkers who are affected due to the COVID-19 crisis. Underthis scheme the state government would give Rs 1000 financialassistance to daily workers.

May 1 is celebrated as International Workers' Day orLabour Day across the world. SCHRG RG

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