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Lockdown: BMC to allow certain public works from Monday


Lockdown: BMC to allow certain public works from Monday
Mumbai, Apr 19 () The Brihanmumbai MunicipalCorporation (BMC) has issued a fresh set of directives as perwhich, it will give relaxation from Monday to carry outcertain public works during the lockdown, including filling ofpotholes on roads and laying of water supply lines.

In the directives issued on Sunday, the civic bodysaid that arrangements will be made in each ward office toissue passes for movement of staff and contractual labour foroperation of railways, airport, ships and land ports, amongother things, from Monday.

It, however, also made it clear that no one will beallowed to move in and out of the COVID-19 containment zonesdeclared within the city.

"If any new area is included in the category of acontainment zone, the activities allowed in that area till thetime it is categorised as a containment zone, will besuspended, except for those as specially permitted under theguidelines of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare(MOHFW), the governments of India and Maharashtra," a BMCofficial said.

"Arrangements will be made in each ward office toissue passes for movement of staff and contractual labour foroperation of railways, airport, air carriers, sea ports,ships, vessels, land ports and ICDs on the basis ofauthorizations issued by respective designated authorities,"it said.

"Apart from many directions applicable to the entirestate, there are some exclusive directions for Mumbai. All thedirections shall be observed and implemented scrupulously, "it said.

The civic body also highlighted that no industries orindustrial establishments will be allowed to operate withinthe Mumbai municipal limits.

"No worker from a hotspot or containment zone will bepermitted to go to workplace in industries or industrialestablishments, permitted outside Mumbai," it said.

The civic body further clarified that constructionactivities of public projects, construction, resurfacing,repairs, pothole filling of roads and bridges, works of layingand repairs of water supply, sewer and stormwater drain lines,construction repairs and pre-monsoon desilting of storm waterdrains networks, and construction of health infrastructurefacilities will be allowed to operate subject to observance ofCOVID-19 safety guidelines.

It said that the construction activities of privateprojects, if workers are available at site and none arerequired to be brought from outside, and if the project in-charge undertakes in writing to observe all COVID-19 safetyrelated standard operating procedures (SOPs), then permissionmay be granted for the activity on these projects.

Mumbai is one one of the COVID-19 hotspots in thecountry with nearly 2,800 positive cases and 131 deathsrecorded so far. ZA KKNP NP

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