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Lockdown: Assam govt offices reopen on Tuesday


Lockdown: Assam govt offices reopen on Tuesday
Guwahati, Apr 21 () Assam government officesreopened on Tuesday with 33 per cent employees on duty tooperationalise government functioning amid continuation of thecoronavirus-triggered lockdown till May 3 next.

The employees reported for duty adhering to lockdownprotocols and social distancing norms. They were alsoseated at a distance of six-feet from each other, officialssaid.

The protocol of sanitisation and maintenance of socialdistancing at the offices as prescribed in the NationalDirectives for COVID-19 Management of the Ministry of HomeAffairs (MHA) order dated April 15 was being followedscrupulously, they said.

In Guwahati, the employees were transported to andfrom their offices in buses provided by the Assam StateTransport Corporation (ASTC).

In other parts of the state, the employees came totheir workplace in their own vehicles, the employees claimed.

Central government offices and PSUs were alsofunctioning.

Chief Secretary Sanjay Kumar Krishna had on Mondaysaid that all government offices and PSUs will have to providetransportation and no private vehicle would be allowed.

Most government offices, except emergency services, inthe state were closed after the lockdown came into force onMarch 25.

Initially, the nationwide lockdown to contain thespread of coronavirus was scheduled to continue till April 14.Later it was extended till May 3.

A state government order issued on April 18 haddecided to start the functioning of all its departments andthe Secretariat from April 21 to ensure delivery of publicservices.

The state government order had said that the head ofthe administrative department will ensure that officers of therank of deputy secretary and above shall attend officeregularly and other Grade-I and Grade-lI officers may attendoffice as required from April 21.

The prescribed protocol of sanitisation andmaintenance of social distancing at the offices should befollowed scrupulously, it said.

The head of the administrative department will alsoensure that up to a maximum of 33 per cent of the staff ofGrade-III and Grade-IV categories of the department as perrequirement shall attend office on rotation as and whenrequired on need basis from April 21.

These instructions shall, however, not apply to theoffices and employees engaged in essential/ emergency servicesand those directly engaged in taking measures to controlspread of COVID-19, it added. ESBMM MM

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