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Lakhs of cases if lockdown not followed strictly: AMC chief


Lakhs of cases if lockdown not followed strictly: AMC chief
Ahmedabad, Apr 11 () There could be "thousands andlakhs" of coronavirus cases in Ahmedabad in Gujarat if peopledo not follow lockdown norms strictly, said a senior civicofficial on Saturday, adding that "venturing out now isdangerous".

In Ahmedabad, COVID-19 numbers have spikedtremendously over the past four days, rising from 83 onWednesday to 228 on Saturday morning. Seven people have diedof the infection so far.

"The possibilities are that thousands or lakhs ofcoronavirus cases can come up in the city if people do notfollow lockdown properly. Cases have been found in almost allparts of the city. So venturing out of your home now isdangerous," said Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation CommissionerVijay Nehra.

"Areas where people have not followed lockdownproperly have seen infection in large numbers. I requestreligious, political and social leaders to advise people tonot venture out of their homes," he said.

He said AMC has set up COVID care centres and healthcentres where positive but asymptomatic patients will beadmitted.

They will be like hostels and will free up hospitalbeds for serious patients.

"As per WHO protocol and Central government guidelinesand best practices around the world, asymptomatic positivepatients will be shifted to our COVID Care Centres startingfrom today. We have already identified such centres," he said.

"COVID Health Centres will have oxygen facilities forthose patients who have problems in breathing, Ambulances willkept on stand by and if an infected person develops symptomsthen he will be transferred to hospital," he said.

Nehra said around 30 patients in the city are suchthat they can be shifted to COVID Care Centers.

Nehra said 14 areas in the city have been identifiedas cluster containment zones, and total lockdown has beenimposed.

Most of these areas are in the minority-dominated OldCity. PDBNM BNM

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