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Karnatala permits microbreweries to clear beer stock


Karnatala permits microbreweries to clear beer stock
Bengaluru, May 13 () Karnataka government has"conditionally" granted permission for stand alonemicrobreweries to sell their beer stock as takeaway till June30.

This will be on an experimental basis from May 14 to June30 until exhaustion of existing stock of beer, whichever isearlier, it said adding measures such as social distancing,cleanliness, usage of masks and sanitisers would have to befollowed. On Friday, the government had allowed clubs, bars andrestaurants to sell liquor as takeaway at the maximum retailprice till May 17 to clear their existing stock that hasaccumulated during the COVID-19 lockdown. The opening and closing hours of the microbrewery shall befrom 9 am to 7 pm, the state Excise Commissioner said in aletter adding

only the existing stock of beer can be soldand no fresh production would be allowed. "Microbreweries situated in (COVID-19) containment zonesare not allowed to function," the letter added.

Excise duty of Rs 10 per bulk litre and additional exciseduty of Rs 75 per bulk litre shall be levied on beer thatshould be sold in glass, ceramic or stainless steel containeronly for take-away.

The permission comes following a request by local chapterof Craft Brewers Association of India that the measure wouldmitigate the financial hardship faced by them. "Given the current COVID-19 situation and as per thediscussions held with the representatives of Craft sewersAssociation of India on May 11, and in the interest ofgovernment revenue, the proposal is hereby considered on anexperimental basis," the letter added. KSUVS VS

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