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Journos test coronavirus positive: Mayor to self quarantine


Journos test coronavirus positive: Mayor to self quarantine
Mumbai, Apr 20 () Mumbai Mayor Kishori Pednekar onMonday decided to place herself under quarantine after somejournalists with whom she had interacted recently testedpositive for the coronavirus infection.

At least 53 media persons from Mumbai have testedpositive for coronavirus, a civic official said earlier in theday.

In a video message, the mayor said that she hadattended the special COVID-19 testing camp at Azad Maidan insouth Mumbai last week but tested negative for the infection.

"I and my driver tested negative (for COVID-19).However, the test reports of the journalists with whom Iinteracted in the past four-five days have came positive, andhence as a precautionary measure I have decided to quarantinemyself at the official residence at Rani Baug," said Pednekar.

Pednekar said that she would perform her duties whilestaying at home.

She said all the staffers in her office will undergoCOVID-19 test on the fifth and 14th day as per the newprotocol. KKNSK NSK

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