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Jadavpur Univ asks students to develop concepts during coronavirus outbreak


Jadavpur Univ asks students to develop concepts during coronavirus outbreak
Kolkata, Apr 13 () In an initiative to help fightCOVID-19, the Innovation Council of Jadavpur University hasasked its students to work on certain concepts and submitproof of concept (PoC).

One of the concepts is about developing a tiny gadgetwhich will be connected to electrocardiogram (ECG) leads andthe ECG recordings can be sent via Bluetooth to the smartphoneof a doctor, a JU official said on Monday.

Recording of ECG leads allows calculation of the heartrate, and diagnosis of the heart rhythm.

"For a coronavirus patient, lung infection can spreadto heart and other organs. Since all the health parametresof a critical patient are monitored regularly, this gadgetwill be of great help," he said.

As the recordings can be displayed on the mobilescreen of the doctor, monitoring of serious patients can bedone from any place, he said.

"Now we have invited students to work on the idea inview of coronavirus outbreak. Later it can be used forcritical patients in rural areas. It will benefit patients aswell as it is economical," the official said.

The official expressed hope that the students will beable to devise the concept after the institute laboratoryopens.

The second concept, also related to coronavirus, isabout a mobile app which will use smartphones of thequarantined persons to send an alarm, as soon as they step outof a quarantined zone.

"It will be useful for the authorities to keep trackof those lodged at a quarantine centre," the official said.

"We have put up these concept challenges on theuniversitys website asking the students to submit Proof ofConcept level design through electronic submission during thelock-down period," the official said.

Selection for development of a prototype from theselected entries will be made after the laboratories open.

The submitted entries will undergo a selection fordevelopment of a prototype once the labs open.

Meanwhile, the Centre for Appropriate SocialTechnologies (CAST) of the university has developed a three-layer protective mask which can be easily prepared at homewith readily available materials.

A video has been circulated in the social media forletting people know how to prepare the mask, the officialsaid. SUSMM MM

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