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Indore's COVID-19 tally includes 11 cops: Official


Indore's COVID-19 tally includes 11 cops: Official
Indore, Apr 22 () Eleven police personnel have sofar tested positive for coronavirus in Madhya Pradesh's Indoredistrict, a senior official said on Wednesday.

However, the police force is upbeat and standingstrong against all hurdles in the battle against COVID-19,Deputy Inspector General of Police Harinarayanachari Mishratold .

"So far, 11 of our personnel, including two IPSofficers, have been infected by coronavirus in the district.They are undergoing treatment," he said.

Indore, which has reported over 900 COVID-19 cases sofar, is the worst affected by the disease in Madhya Pradesh.

"Despite the challenges posed by COVID-19, the mood ofour force is upbeat. The police personnel are fighting asfrontline warriors against this epidemic," Mishra said.

At present, nearly 5,000 police personnel are deployedat different places in the district on various duties,including effective enforcement of curfew.

Out of these, 170 police personnel are posted invarious containment zones on rotational basis.

Mishra said the police personnel are being providedadequate number of masks, sanitisers and personal protectionequipment (PPE).

Steps have also been taken at the administrative levelto protect the police personnel from coronavirus.

"As a precaution, police personnel who are over 50years of age and those suffering from chronic and criticalillnesses have been removed from duty in the containment zonesand posted at other places in the district," he said.

Out of the 11 police personnel who have so far testedpositive for coronavirus in Indore, a 41-year-old inspectordied at a hospital on Saturday.

According to a health department official, the policeinspector tested negative for coronavirus after the treatment,and doctors suspected 'pulmonary embolism' (blood clottingproblem in the artery) as the immediate cause of his death.

But there is also a possibility that pulmonaryembolism may have been caused due to the coronavirusinfection, the official said.

So far, 923 people in Indore district have testedpositive for coronavirus, another health official said.

Of these, 52 patients died during treatment, while 72were discharged after recovery.

The local administration has imposed curfew in theurban limits since March 25 after the first coronaviruspatient was found in Indore. HWP ADU MASGK GK

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