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Goa may allow entry of only coronavirus negative people


Goa may allow entry of only coronavirus negative people
Panaji, Apr 21 () Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawanton Tuesday said his government was considering to allow theentry of only those people who are coronavirus negative oncethe borders of the state open again after the end of thelockdown period.

Sawant also hinted that the state BJP government mightallow only coronavirus negative people with a validcertificate once trains and flight operations resume.

He said opening of Goan borders, which are currentlysealed off in view of the coronavirus spread, will depend uponthe Central and state guidelines. The national lockdown is inforce till May 3.

"The government is of the view that even if bordersare opened up, they should be restricted only for those peoplewho are certified COVID-19 negative," he said.

Responding to a query, Sawant told that the Centrewill decide on the guidelines only after consulting therespective states.

"Borders of Goa will have to remain shut in view ofthe (COVID-19) situation in neighbouring Karnataka andMaharashtra," he said.

The CM also said that the state government was wellprepared to keep Goans, who are stranded on various ships dueto the lockdown, in quarantine facilities after their return.

"Once the Ministry of Home Affairs works out a plan tobring them back to the country, we will quarantine them andthen test them for the infection. The decision is in the finalstages now," he said.

Once a decision is taken, they will be brought back toGoa within 15 days, Sawant added.

Meanwhile, Health Minister Vishwajeet Rane hasexpressed the need to ramp up testing facilities at theindustrial units and airports.

Goa has reported recovery of all the seven COVID-19cases in the state.

"The government will install a state-of-art 'SmartKiosk' in collaboration with GE (General Electric) through aCSR initiative to have a random testing for COVID-19.

"This robust method will help us to increase ourscope of testing in the state with swift sample collection,"he added.

Rane said the kiosk will be placed at variouslocations, including Urban Health Centre/Red Cross Panjim,Verna Industrial Estate, Kundaim industrial estate, Mapusaindustrial estate, Cuncolim industrial estate, DabolimAirport, MPT and at the border locations of Patradevi checkpost, Keri check post, Pollem check post, Mollem check postand Dodamarg check post. RPSNSK NSK

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