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GMCH ensures hygiene, proper food for coronavirus suspects


GMCH ensures hygiene, proper food for coronavirus suspects
Panaji, Apr 12 () While frontline health workersare busy lodging suspected coronavirus patients at the GoaMedical College and Hospital's isolation ward, a huge supportteam has been working to keep the ward clean and hygienic andserving food to patients in disposable containers.

The state-run Goa Medical College and Hospital (GMCH)near here in North Goa district has an isolation ward wheresuspected coronavirus patients are kept, while those testingpositive are lodged at a special hospital in Margao town ofSouth Goa district.

The GMCH has hired services of a private company tomaintain cleanliness and hygiene in its premises.

Extra precaution is taken in the isolation ward as faras cleanliness is concerned. The ward is cleaned every onehour by following a special cleanliness protocol, said SnehaTulaskar, the manager of the private company.

"The cleaning of the isolation ward is done throughthree bucket system - first by hot water, then by liquid soapand then using sodium hypochlorite. The entire floor, glasses,windows and doors are cleaned meticulously," she said.

The linen used in the isolation ward is washedseparately at 90 degree Celsius in a machine, Tulaskar said.

Cleanliness workers are provided the personalprotective equipment (PPE) to prevent them from catching theinfection, and the company has been giving Vitamin-C tabletsto its staff deployed at the GMCH isolation ward, she said.

While nearly 240 employees of the company are engagedin maintaining cleanliness of the entire hospital complex, aspecial squad is deployed at the isolation ward.

Tulaskar said the company initially faced difficultiesin convincing its staff to work at the GMCH isolation ward.

"But, we gave them detailed information about COVID-19and also precautions to be taken. Now they are comfortableworking there," she added.

Another private company has been running thehospital's canteen and providing food to patients are per themedical staff's instructions, a senior GMCH official said.

"They are serving food to patients in the isolationward in disposable containers and the trolley used to carrythe food is exclusive to that ward, he said. RPSGK GK

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