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Excise personnel attacked by illicit brewers

Excise personnel attacked by illicit brewers
Hyderabad, May 3 (): An Excise Inspector and twoconstables were injured in an alleged attack by a gang offour or five illicit liquor manufacturers on Sunday,officials said.

The incident happened in Mahabubnagar district ofTelangana.

The three got injured in the assault when a team ofExcise sleuths raided a place after getting information thatsome people were makingillicitly distilled liquor also knownas 'gudumba', they said.

The injured were hospitalised and a search was on tonab the accused, they added. State Excise Minister V Srinivas Goud met the injuredExcise personnel and enquired about their condition.

In view of the ongoing coronavirus lockdown, liquorshops and bars in Telangana have been closed. VVKNVG NVG
