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Eight PMCH medicos suspended for refusing to work in Covid ward


Eight PMCH medicos suspended for refusing to work in Covid ward
Patna, May 2 () Eight doctors of Patna MedicalCollege and Hospital (PMCH) were on Saturday suspended forcreating disturbances and refusing to work in the COVID-19isolation ward of the states premier hospital. The eight doctors, who are PG students of Radiologydepartment, have been suspended for creating din and refusingto work in isolation ward meant for COVID-19 patients, PMCHSuperintendent, Dr Bimal Kumar Karak, told .

They have been punished under Epidemic Disease Act, 1897for refusing to do duty and misbehaving with some seniordoctors, the Superintendent said, adding he has taken therequisite consent from the College Principal Dr VidyapatiChoudhary.

The decision to suspend them has been conveyed to thedepartments Principal Secretary, Sanjay Kumar, he added.

These medicos allegedly manhandled Dr M P Singh, headof the Medicine department, Dr APN Jha and other doctors whentold by the Superintendent to approach Singh for anyrelaxation in duty, Karak said. Considering the gravity of the fight against COVID-19,states health department had on March 13 cancelled all typesof leaves- except study and maternity leave of medicalofficers including those appointed on contract, nurses,paramedical staff and fourth grade employees in order tocontain the spread of coronavirus besides taking preventivemeasures and monitoring of the situation. A total of 476 coronavirus positive cases have beenreported in Bihar so far, out of whom four have died. ARSNS SNS

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