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Don't panic, we will facilitate your return after lockdown: Sushil Modi tells stranded migrants


Don't panic, we will facilitate your return after lockdown: Sushil Modi tells stranded migrants
Patna, Apr 16 () Bihar Deputy Chief Minister SushilKumar Modi on Thursday urged migrant workers, desperate toreturn home amid the lockdown, to stay put wherever they wereand assured that his government would make arrangements fortheir safe return no sooner than the restrictions were lifted.

In a video message, the senior BJP leader expresseddismay over "unfortunate incidents witnessed recently inplaces like Mumbai, Surat and Delhi" which he blamed on"rumour-mongering that trains were available to ferry themigrant workers back home".

"Trust me, had it been possible to arrange for specialtrains to bring you back to your homes in this hour ofdistress, it would have been a done deal," the deputy CM said,in an apparent rebuff to opposition leaders like RJD's RabriDevi a former chief minister herself who have mocked theNitish Kumar government for its inability to facilitate Biharimigrants' journey back home,

She had cited the example of Andhra Pradesh pilgrimswho left for their places from Varanasi earlier this week.

"Please be rest assured that we are making allefforts, coordinating with governments of the states where youmay be stranded, to ensure that your needs are taken care of.Our government has extended a financial assistance of Rs 1,000each to 6.67 lakh Biharis so far, spread across the length andbreadth of the country," said the deputy CM who also holds thefinance portfolio.

Modi disclosed that among the beneficiaries of thespecial assistance scheme, Delhi had the highest number at1.30 lakh, followed by 95,999 in Haryana. In Maharashtra, thenumber was 72,243, while in Gujarat it was 61,964.

"We have received 13.26 lakh applications so far. Weare committed to providing assistance to the remaining 6.59lakh at the earliest. Those who are yet to receive benefitsare requested to upload their details on the websiteconcerned," he maintained.

Help will reach all, he said, urging the relatives ofmigrants to make this known to their loved ones far away sothat they do not panic.

"I assure you all, as soon as the lockdown is liftedwe will make arrangements for vehicles to bring the migrantsback home. The government is sensitive towards the anxietiespeople are feeling amid the coronavirus pandemic," he added.

A large number of migrants had returned in the end ofMarch from the national capital, ferried by buses arranged bythe Yogi Adityanath government at the Delhi-UP border,triggering fears of a surge in COVID-19 cases in the state.

Huge crowds had turned up at Bandra in Mumbai and inSurat earlier this week when migrants marched to railwaystations allegedly in the wake of rumours that upon the expiryof the three-week-long lockdown announced by Prime MinisterNarendra Modi, trains would resume operations.

On April 13, the prime minister extended the lockdowntill May 3. NACRMS RMS

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