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COVID-19: Overall situation in AP under control, says CM

COVID-19: Overall situation in AP under control, says CM
Amaravati, Apr 10 (): Chief Minister Y S JaganMohan Reddy on Friday said the overall situation, consequentto the spread of COVID-19 in Andhra Pradesh, was now undercontrol and normalcy would return in the coming days.

The Chief Minister conducted a high-level reviewmeeting on coronavirus and also a videoconference withdistrict Collectors and doctors of 13 COVID-19 hospitals inthe state and discussed the plan of action in case the ongoinglockdown is lifted, a CMO release said.

Officials informed the Chief Minister they wereadopting a strategy of conducting tests on coronavirus-afflicted persons and their primary contacts and providingnecessary treatment to contain the disease.

As part of the preparatory exercise, five additionalhospitals were being identified in every district for COVID-19prevention.

A critical care hospital has also been readied in eachof the 13 districts, they said.

"All this will help us in meeting any future situationarising out of coronavirus," they added.

The Chief Minister said coronavirus cases in the stateshot up only because of the Tablighi Jamaat attendees.

"Tracing all those persons, their primary andsecondary contacts has been completed and they are kept eitherin isolation or quarantine," the Chief Minsiter said.

"Overall, the situation in the state is now undercontrol and, I believe, in the coming days normalcy willreturn," Jagan said.

"Saluting" the medical staff for their hard work inthe face of risks, the chief minister said he waswholeheartedly thanking them.

"Despite an unknown fear, you are all extending yourservices in all COVID-19 hospitals and critical carehospitals. Your services are commendable. I salute thedoctors, nurses, paramedical and sanitation staff for this andthank them," he said. DBV
