The hand sanitisers have to be tested at the Food andDrug Testing Laboratory, Zemabawk or the Regional Institute ofParamedical and Nursing Sciences (RIPANS), as per a HealthDepartment advisory issued on Friday.
"We appreciate the efforts of some groups andindividuals to manufacture hand sanitisers. However, it ismandatory to test their products to ensure that they meet therequired safety standards," he said.
Several groups and individuals, on the other hand,have stepped up the production of hand sanitisers and masksfor distribution to personnel at the frontline of the fightagainst coronavirus.
Meanwhile, the state government issued an orderprohibiting spitting at public places as a precautionarymeasure to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus.
The order issued by the chief secretary said violatorswill be punished under Section 13 of the Mizoram EpidemicDiseases (COVID-19) Regulations, 2020. CORACD ACD