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COVID-19: Meghalaya speaker urges CM to extend lockdown till Apr 30


COVID-19: Meghalaya speaker urges CM to extend lockdown till Apr 30
Shillong, Apr 10 () Meghalaya Assembly SpeakerMetbah Lyngdoh on Friday wrote to Chief Minister ConradSangma, urging him to extend the lockdown period till April30, as the number of COVID-19 cases have been rising in thecountry.

Though no such case has been reported from the stateso far, the government should continue with the existingmeasures to tackle the crisis by end of the current month sothat Meghalaya remains free of COVID-19, he said.

"There are increasing number of COVID-19 patients inthe country. It is worrisome. I have written to the chiefminister to consider extension of the lockdown period tillApril end," Metbah told .

The speaker, who is also the president of the UnitedDemocratic Party, a partner of the Meghalaya DemocraticAlliance government, said big markets such as Iewduh, Jowaiand Tura should be closed for the time being.

"Only small local markets where social distancingprotocols can be maintained may be allowed to startfunctioning after the ongoing lockdown period is over," hesaid.

Deputy Chief Minister Prestone Tynsong hinted that thecabinet will meet early next week to decide on the matter.

While NREGA and construction works have been allowedto resume, but no workers from outside the state will be givenpermission to enter Meghalaya.

"All entry and exit points of the state will remainclosed during the lockdown with restrictions on inter-district movements," a government official said.

The speaker emphasised on carrying out sanitisationexercise at the checkpoints so that vehicles ferryingessential commodities are sanitised properly.

Lyngdoh also urged the government to strengthen thelogistics facilities for transporting agricultural produce offarmers of the state.

He appealed to the government to monitor the prices ofessential commodities in the state. JOPBDC BDC

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