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COVID-19 combat: AIIMS Nagpur designated mentor institute


COVID-19 combat: AIIMS Nagpur designated mentor institute
Nagpur, Apr 11 ()The Indian Council of MedicalResearch has designated the All India Institute of MedicalSciences, Nagpur as a "mentor institute" in the fight againstthe novel coronavirus outbreak, a senior official said onSaturday.

It will mentor medical colleges in Maharashtra, Goa,Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli to establish COVID-19diagnostic facilities, an ICMR statement said.

The AIIMS, Nagpur is one of the 13 'Institutions ofEminence' in the country.

"The move has been made with directions from Ministryof Home Affairs (MHA) and Ministry of Health and FamilyWelfare (MoHFW) to increase capacity for COVID-19 testing inall government and private medical colleges in the country,"said Director-CEO of AIIMS, Nagpur Major General (Dr) VibhaDutta.

"AIIMS Nagpur will serve as mentor institute to 34medical colleges, comprising 32 in Maharashtra, one each inGoa and Dadra and Nagar Haveli. The core team of theinstitute, comprising proficient microbiologists, faculty andtrained technical staff will conduct site assessments, andmentor these colleges," Dutta said.

"A comprehensive review will be conducted to assessthe feasibility of setting up real time RT-PCR-COVID-19testing as per ICMR requirements in all the medical colleges.Funds will be given by state governments," Dutta added. CLSBNM BNM

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