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COVID-19: Both frontline warriors, cop-medico couple in Kerala postpone wedding


COVID-19: Both frontline warriors, cop-medico couple in Kerala postpone wedding
Thiruvananthapuram, Apr 14 () At a time when policemenand medicos are playing a vital role in combating thecoronavirus, a Keralite civil police officer and lady doctorhave decided to postpone their wedding to take part insociety's fight against the pandemic.

Setting aside the objection of both the families, MPrasad, a 32-year-old civil police officer attached to apolice station here and P Arya (25), a doctor working in agovernment community health centre near here, postponed theirwedding, which was scheduled to be held early this month.

In the wake of the lockdown, both the families hadplanned to conduct the marriage as a low key affair in thepresence of limited guests, but finally had to adhere to thepressure of the bride and groom.

A native of nearby Vithura, Prasad said he was busy inthe traffic duty in the capital city, checking vehiclesviolating lockdown rules and also was involved in distributionof food packets to the needy.

"We cannot give importance to our personal mattersalways. We took the right decision," Prasad said.

As lockdown restrictions are in place, Dr Arya is alsobusy checking patients at the government health centre locatedin nearby Kanyakulangara.

"A majority of those who seek treatment at governmenthospitals are ordinary people like us.

So I thought we should not forget our commitment to thesociety at this crucial time," Arya added.

In Manjeri, in Malappuram district Deepti, a nurse, tiedthe knot with Sudeep, employed with a private bank in Vengeri,the other day.

The young bride, a nurse at a private hospital atPerinthalmanna, took only a day's leave for her wedding. LGK UD APRROH ROH

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