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COVID-19: Aurangabad woman dies, 4 Hingoli SRPF men infected


COVID-19: Aurangabad woman dies, 4 Hingoli SRPF men infected
Aurangabad, Apr 27 () A 60-year-old woman whotested positive for novel coronavirus on Saturday inAurangabad in Maharashtra died of the infection on Monday,while in nearby Hingoli district, four State Reserve PoliceForce were detected with COVID-19, health officials said.

While the COVID-19 count in Aurangabad has crossed 50and the number of deaths stand at six, the number of cases inHingoli is 11 currently, they said.

"The woman died at around 12:30pm. This is the sixthCOVID-19 death in Aurangabad," Government Medical College DeanDr K Yelikar said.

Another official said the four SRPF jawans who testedpositive in Hingoli are stable and are not exhibiting severesymptoms.

"Their samples were sent for testing after they hadcough and fever on Friday. The reports, which came in lateSunday night, showed all them had been infected," he said.

In Nanded district, the number of COVID-19 patientsreached two after a 43-year-old man who traveled to Punjabtested positive on Monday. AWBNM BNM

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