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Coronavirus: Shops to remain closed in Ahmedabad for one week


Coronavirus: Shops to remain closed in Ahmedabad for one week
(Eds: Adding details)

Ahmedabad, May 6 () To control the spread ofcoronavirus in the worst-hit Ahmedabad city, civic authoritieson Wednesday ordered the closure of all the shops except thoseselling milk and medicines for a week, triggering panic buyingof grocery items and vegetables by citizens.

As per the order signed by in-charge municipalcommissioner Mukesh Kumar, the shops will remain closed fromMay 7 midnight till 6 am on May 15.

While milk outlets and medical stores can remain open,all other shops, including those selling fruits, vegetablesand grocery items, will remain closed, in a bid to minimisehuman contact to break the chain of the viral infection, theorder said.

Earlier, the sale of vegetables, fruits and groceryitems was allowed during the lockdown period.

Kumar was made in-charge municipal commissioner onTuesday after civic chief Vijay Nehra went in a 14-day homequarantine, as he had come into contact with some coronaviruspositive persons.

"In view of the rising number COVID-19 cases, it isnecessary in the public interest to take adequate steps,"Kumar stated.

Meanwhile, panicked citizens came out in large numbersto buy groceries and vegetables.

Earlier, several vegetable vendors tested positive forcoronavirus in the city, prompting authorities to screen allthe vendors before allowing them to do business.

Ahmedabad accounts for 4,358 coronavirus positivecases of the total 6,245 cases in Gujarat and 273 of the total368 fatalities. PJT PDNSK NSK

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