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Coronavirus: 5 Tablighi Jamaat members test positive in Guj


Coronavirus: 5 Tablighi Jamaat members test positive in Guj
Ahmedabad, Apr 10 () The Gujarat police on Fridayidentified three more persons who took part in a gathering ofthe Tablighi Jamaat in Delhi last month, taking the count ofattendees from the state to 130, and five members of theoutfit tested positive for coronavirus, a senior officialsaid.

The event, held in Nizamuddin, was attended by over9,000 people, including from foreign nations, and is beingseen as one of the prime reasons for the virus spread as manyof the participants, who tested positive later, fanned outacross the country for missionary works.

"Three attendees were traced in Bhavnagar. An attendeewho was traced earlier tested positive for coronavirus today,"Gujarat Director General of Police Shivanand Jha said.

The number of Nizamuddin event attendees who havetested positive stands at 13 in the state.

Jha said four people who tested positive for the virusin Bharuch on Friday are from the Shura sub-sect of TablighiJamaat and hail from Tamil Nadu, though they did not attendlast month's Nizamuddin event.

"These four are part of Shura sub-sect of Tablighisand did not attend the Nizamuddin event as it was organisedfor the Saad or Imarati sub-sect of the outfit. The four hailfrom Tamil Nadu. There are 1,095 Shura religious preachersfrom across India in Gujarat. Four have tested positive andthe rest have been quarantined," he added. PJT PDBNM BNM

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