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Cop rushes snakebite victim to hospital amid COVID-19 lockdown


Cop rushes snakebite victim to hospital amid COVID-19 lockdown
Thane, Apr 28 () A police constable deployed onCOVID-19 lockdown duty saved the life of a seven-year-oldsnakebite victim at Badlapur in Maharashtra's Thane district,police said on Tuesday.

Shivam Jadhav was bitten by a snake at a cattle shednear his home in Mankavli on Monday and his father was tryingto find means to get him to a hospital during the lockdown, anofficial said.

The boy's father approached constable Girish Sahil,who was deployed in the area to enforced the lockdown, hesaid, adding that the policeman immediately rushed the childto a hospital on his two-wheeler.

Senior inspector Deepak Deshmukh of the Badlapur(east) police station also helped the boy's family with themedical expenses, the official said.

According to doctors, the policeman's timely actionhad saved the boy's life, he added. CORARU ARU

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