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C'garh: Woman booked for girl's death during lockdown journey


C'garh: Woman booked for girl's death during lockdown journey
Bijapur, Apr 23 () Days after a 12-year-old girldied while making a 150-km trip on foot from Telangana to hernative Bijapur district in Chhattisgarh, two cases have beenregistered against a woman labour agent in this connection,police said on Thursday.

The girl- Jamlo Makdam- died near Bhandarpal villageof Bijapur district on April 18 after travelling for over 100kms on foot in a bid to return to Aaded village in Bijapurfrom the neighbouring state, a police official said.

"She, along with 11 other people of her native place,had gone to work in chilli fields in Kanhaiguda village ofMulgu district (Telangana) and was stranded there after thelockdown was imposed last month," he said.

According to preliminary investigation, a farmer,identified as Santosh Manchala of Kanhaiguda, had contactedthe labour agent Sunita Madkami of Aaded to arrange thelabourers for chilli plucking in February this year and gaveher Rs 10,000 in advance, he said.

Subsequently, Madkami took labourers from her village,including Jamlo and four other minors, to Kanhaiguda.

"After the lockdown was imposed, they were stuckthere. On April 15, the group started walking towards theirvillage through forests," he said.

During their journey, Jamlo fell in a field duringwhich she suffered injuries, but the group did not wait forher and continued to walk.

"On April 18, the girl had a meal in the morning, butthen complained of stomach ache and uneasiness and died nearBhandarpal under Ilmiri police station limit," the officialsaid.

Her samples were sent for coronavirus testing, whichcame out negative. Her post-mortem revealed that she had ahairline crack on her rib bones, he said.

"The investigation revealed that despite the girlbeing injured, Madkami, who was also returning along with thegroup, did not provide her medical aid and allegedly made herwalk continuously," he said.

Madkami was booked under section 304 (II) (culpablehomicide not amounting to murder) at Kotwali police stationand the case was transferred to Ilmiri police station forfurther probe, he said.

Another case was lodged based on the complaint ofLabour Inspector Bijapur against Madkami under sections 370(human trafficking), 34 (common intention) of the IPC andprovisions of the Juvenile Justice Act for transporting minorswith the purpose of taking work from them, he said.

This case was transferred to Toynar police station,under which Aaded village falls, for further enquiry, headded.

No arrest has been made in this connection, theofficial said.

Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel had announced afinancial assistance of Rs 5 lakh to the kin of the deceasedgirl. COR TKPNP NP

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