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C'garh lockdown: 75 buses for 1.5k students stranded in Kota


C'garh lockdown: 75 buses for 1.5k students stranded in Kota
Raipur, Apr 24 () The Chhattisgarh government onFriday sent 75 buses to Kota in Rajasthan to bring back 1,500students from the state stuck there due to the lockdown forthe coronavirus outbreak.

The buses, along with doctors in an ambulance as wellas senior police officials, left from the Police Parade Groundhere on the instructions of Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, anofficial said.

"Each bus will carry 25 students. Strict compliance ofnorms in place to combat the virus outbreak will be ensuredduring the journey. The students will be quarantined afterthey reach here and will be allowed to go home after beingmedically examined," he said.

Baghel had spoken to Union Home Minister Amit Shah onThursday seeking permission to bring these students back, headded.

The CM is also making efforts to get migrant labourersback from other states, he claimed. TKPBNM BNM

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