Banerjee's comments came a day after a war of wordsbroke out between West Bengal and the Union government overthe arrival of two central teams in the state to assess theCOVID-19 situation.
"Canards are being spread every day that only a feware getting tested in Bengal for COVID-19. This is absolutelyfalse. Faulty kits were sent to Bengal which have now beenwithdrawn. We didn't even get adequate testing kits," she tolda press conference.
"Every day they (Centre) are telling us what to do andwhat not to do, sending people to look into the law and ordersituation and our preparedness against coronavirus. They aresending us strongly worded letters. We can also send themletters. But that's not the point," she said.
Banerjee said her government is doing the best it canto stem the spread of the pandemic. PNT SUS NNSK SK