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British minister hails Karnataka's efforts to contain COVID- 19: Govt


British minister hails Karnataka's efforts to contain COVID- 19: Govt
Bengaluru, April 26 () The effective implementation oflockdown to check the spread of COVID-19, supply of essentialcommodities to people and various other measures of theKarnataka government has won accolades of a British Minister.

Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice,Robert Buckland lauded the efforts of the state governmentduring a video conference Chief Minister B S Yediyurappa heldwith the Kannadigas living in England on Sunday regarding themeasures taken to contain the virus in the state, an officialrelease said.

Buckland too appeared for discussion with the ChiefMinsiter and sought information about control of the diseasein India, especially in Karnataka.

The Chief Minister replied to his queries and explainedthat effective enforcement of lockdown was possible withimmense support from people, the statement read.

Economic activities would be started according to theguidelines of the Central government in a phased or gradedmanner in coming days, the CM was quoted as saying.

According to the statement, Buckland was amazed to learnthat Covid-19 has not touched upon rural areas, so far.

Yediyurappa assured the Kannadigas residing abroad thatthey need not worry about their parents or elders in the stateas their well being would be taken care of.

He said they can contact helpline numbers for medical andother needs.

The Chief Minister also said that the state governmentwould consider the loan repayment issues of students studyingabroad, after situation turns normal.

"Government of Karnataka would be in touch with UnionGovernment regarding the rescue of Kannadigas stranded abroadonly after international flight services resume," he told theKannadigas. GMSROH ROH

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