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Bharuch civil hosp shut as 6 staff test coronavirus positive


Bharuch civil hosp shut as 6 staff test coronavirus positive
Bharuch (Guj), Apr 18 () Six employees, including adoctor, of Bharuch civil hospital in Gujarat have testedpositive for coronavirus, prompting authorities to close thefacility temporarily and quarantine its staff members.

Even Out-Patient Department (OPD) will not remainfunctional for some time, an official said on Saturday.

The OPD will be handled by a nearby trust-run hospitalfor time being.

"A gynaecologist, two women medical officers and threelaboratory technicians working at the government hospital hereon Friday tested positive for coronavirus," said BharuchCollector MD Modia.

He said that entire hospital staff has been placedunder quarantine as a precautionary measure and the hospitalbeing disinfected.

"There was no critical patient admitted in the civilhospital. COVID-19 patients from the district are beingadmitted at Jayaben Modi Hospital in Ankleshwar," Modia said.

The collector said OPD of the hospital has beendiverted to nearby Sevashram Hospital for convenience ofpatients.

"All the staff members of the hospital have beenplaced under quarantine. Samples of those employees who hadcome in contact with coronavirus positive cases have beencollected.

"Those testing negative for coronavirus will be ableto resume work at the hospital once it becomes operational,"he said.

Bharuch has so far reported 22 COVID-19 cases.

The district administration has also designated aprivate hospital to treat coronavirus patients, Modia addded. CORR KA PDNSK NSK

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