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Bengal being politically targeted over COVID-19: Mamata to PM


Bengal being politically targeted over COVID-19: Mamata to PM
Kolkata, May 11 () West Bengal is being"unnecessarily targeted" over its handling of COVID-19, ChiefMinister Mamata Banerjee told Prime Minister Narendra Modi onMonday, insisting she wants to fight the pandemic jointly withthe Centre, TMC sources said.

She also demanded that the Centre formulate a "clearstrategy" to fight the disease, sources in the state's rulingparty said.

Banerjee, who spoke during a teleconference the primeminister had with chief ministers days before the third phaseof the nationwide lockdown ends, highlighted the"contradictions" in the Centre's approach to tackling theoutbreak.

"On one hand the Centre wants the lockdown to beenforced strictly, and on the other it is resuming trainservices and reopening land borders," sources quoted her ashaving told the meeting while presenting her views on whetherthe lockdown should be extended beyond May 17.

It was not immediately known whether she spoke infavour of lifting the lockdown or extending it.

She suggested that states be allowed to decide onwhich sectors to open and which to keep shut keeping in mindthe situation on the ground.

We want to fight the pandemic alongside the centralgovernment. But Bengal has been unnecessarily targetedpolitically. Instead of shifting the onus on the states, theCentre should come out with a clear strategy on the wayforward, she told the meeting.

The chief minister also asked the centre to releasethe legitimate financial dues to states. PNT SKSK SK

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