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Assam Police arrests over 1,450 persons for violating lockdown norms


Assam Police arrests over 1,450 persons for violating lockdown norms
Guwahati, Apr 12 () Over 1,450 persons have beenarrested across the state in the last 19 days for violatingthe ongoing lockdown to contain COVID-19, Assam Police said onSunday.

A sum of nearly Rs 40 lakh was collected from thearrested persons as fine for violating the norms of thelockdown, the police said.

In its daily report on the lockdown, Assam Policementioned that 735 cases have been registered for 1,383incidents since the beginning of the restrictions.

Accordingly, 1,454 persons have been arrested forthese cases, it said.

The police have also realised a total fine of Rs39,75,700 for violating the norms of the lockdown.

Besides, 11,200 vehicles of all types and 19 boatshave been detained from various parts of the state during thisperiod.

The Assam Police is also taking a proactive standagainst fake news and said action is being taken against thosespreading provocative content and rumours about COVID-19 onsocial media.

As on Sunday, 61 cases have been registered and 36persons were arrested, an official release said.

Markets, offices and other installations were mostlyclosed and vehicles were off the road across Assam on Sunday,the 19th day of the nation-wide lockdown imposed to check thespread of novel coronavirus.

However, at many places people defied the lockdown andventured out of their homes, prompting the police to useforce.

At several places, police distributed rice,vegetables, medicines and other essentials among the needypeople. TRRG RG

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