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Arunachal governor compliments people on success of lockdown in state


Arunachal governor compliments people on success of lockdown in state
Itanagar, Apr 26 () Arunachal Pradesh Governor B DMishra on Sunday complimented the people of the state forsuccessful implementation of the lockdown, besides taking allprecautionary measures in the fight against the COVID-19pandemic.

The governor appealed to the people to continue tofollow the lockdown restrictions in the right spirit till itis mandated.

Thirty five days have now elapsed since thenationwide lockdown was announced by Prime Minister NarendraModi. I am sharing with you with a great sense of satisfactionthat our great nation and all its citizens are very wellfighting this most difficult battle in recent human history.In addition, we are also providing support to other countriesat regional as well as global level," he said.

My government under the leadership Chief MinisterPema Khandu has taken all measures to keep the state free fromthe virus. Tomo Riba Institute of Medical Sciences & Hospital(TRIHMS) has been designated as the COVID-19 hospital.Necessary preparations by way of purchase of ventilators, PPE,quarantine facilities have been made to meet any contingency,Mishra said in a message.

He said joint teams of the magistrates, doctors andpolice have been deputed at check-gates to screen allentrants.

"My government has sufficient stocks of essentialration and essential supplies. Food and ration are being givento all needy people including labourers of other provincesstranded in our state, Mishra said.

He said all Arunachalees stranded outside the statehave been provided an assistance of Rs 3,500 each.

Senior IAS, IPS and APCS officers have been nominatedto coordinate with officials of different states for provisionof ration and other essential items to our students in everynook and corner of the country, the governor said.

Mishra added that the states frontline staff such asdoctors, nurses, paramedical staff, police officers, fire andemergency services, State Disaster Response Force (SDRF),civil administration, DCs and SPs of districts, gaon burahsare rendering a yeoman service in the fight.

Let us abide by the prime ministers appeal in letterand spirit, the governor appealed to the people in hismessage and further advised them to download the Arogya Setuapp. UPLSOM SOM

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