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Another Mumbai cop succumbs to COVID-19, 3rd death so far


Another Mumbai cop succumbs to COVID-19, 3rd death so far
Mumbai, Apr 27 () A 57-year-old head constable onMonday became the third personnel of Mumbai Police to die ofthe COVID-19 disease since Saturday, an official said.

The head constable was undergoing treatment at KEMHospital in Parel after several state-run facilities refusedto admit him, another official claimed.

He was attached with the Kurla traffic division.

"He had first gone to Rajawadi Hospital in Ghatkoparon Friday after he felt feverish. Doctors there asked him togo to Kasturba Hospital, the main centre for communicablediseases. He was denied admission there and he then went toNair Hospital which asked him to go to KEM Hospital," heclaimed.

When the head constable was once again asked to goback to Kasturba Hospital, senior inspector Vinod Randive ofKurla traffic division was alerted who got staff at KEM toadmit the 57-year-old, the official said.

"He tested positive on Friday. His is the third deathin Mumbai police. A 57-year-old constable died on Saturday andanother 53-year-old on Sunday," he added. ZA BNMNSK NSK

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