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297 Bengaluru journos test negative for COVID-19


297 Bengaluru journos test negative for COVID-19
Bengaluru, Apr 26 () Nearly 300 journalists whounderwent medical examination in the city for coronavirus havetested negative for the disease, Department of information andpublic relation said on Sunday.

The results of as many as 297 scribes, who had undergonetests on Friday, came out negative, the Joint Director (News)D P Muralidhar said in a statement.

"I am glad to announce that the results of the medicalcheck-up for media persons working in Bengaluru pertaining toCOVID-19 organised by the Department of Health and FamilyWelfare at the Sir C V Raman General Hospital at Indira Nagarin Bengaluru on April 24 on Friday, says 'Negative'," thestatement read.

The tests have been planned in four slots.

The first three happened on Thursday, Friday andSaturday.

The fourth slot is likely to happen on Monday.

The tests conducted on Thursday on 120 journalistsconfirmed the presence of COVID-19 in only one person, who isa cameraman working in a private news channel.

Accordingly, he has been admitted to the designatedhospital whereas 36 others have been quarantined and were hisprimary and secondary contacts.

The results of the tests conducted on 345 journalists onSaturday is likely to be out on Monday or Tuesday, Muralidhartold .

In all, 762 journalists have undergone tests, he added. GMSROH ROH

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