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200 random samples test negative for COVID-19 in Puducherry


200 random samples test negative for COVID-19 in Puducherry
(Eds: Recasts, adds quotes, details)

Puducherry, Apr 12 () In a welcome outcome, samplescollected at random in primary health centres (PHCs) acrossPuducherry have tested negative for coronavirus, indicatingthe infection is confined to areas from where six activeCOVID-19 cases in the union territory have been reported,an official said on Sunday.

Of the six, five are returnees from Tablighi event inDelhi and the other a primary contact of one of them and all,residents of two localities here, have been admitted to theIndira Gandhi Government Medical College Hospital.

As per the guidelines of the Union Health Ministry, thesamples were collected from 200 people on April 10 and 11 fromvarious villages and suburban centres in Puducherry and theunion territory's enclaves -- Karaikal, Mahe and Yanam.

The exercise was undertaken to ascertain the healthscenario in the current context of COVID19 spread in thecountry, including the union territory where one death hasbeen reported in Mahe and six positive cases were undertreatment, a Health Department spokesman here said.

"It is indeed a good news that the tests of 200 samplesdone at random had shown all were negative for COVID19. Thishas established the fact the occurrence of COVID19 wasconfined only to the areashere where the returnees from thereligious congregation held recently in New Delhi and whotestedpositive were residing," the official told .

The samples were collected from patients turning up forgeneral health care at the PHCs.

Two localities where the six people resided have alreadybeen cordoned off as part of containment measures.

Asked whether similar random tests would be continued, hesaid it would depend on further directions issued by the UnionHealth Ministry.

A senior doctor said such results of random samples wouldshow the Union Territory "may be safe and the health scenarioin the current context of alarming situation across thecountry is consoling and comfortable."

Meanwhile, Lt Governor Kiran Bedi in a message to thepeople said :"Puducherry is safe and cleaner when compared tomany places in different parts and this is attributable to thecollective will, committed leadership and dedicated officialsdoing their duties to protect the people." She was all praise for the "excellent leadership andcollaboration."

Bedi said "we are all scoring and scaling greaterheights and the ideal approach on the part of the governmentmachinery enabled Puducherry to emerge as safer." The Puducherry government was sensitive and has a team ofduty conscious officers to steal a march over other areas inmaintaining the record of safety of the people, the LtGovernor said.

Bedi stressed on social distancing, meticulous andprecautious approach and collective will. Cor ROH VSVS VS

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