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20 deaths, 340 new coronavirus cases in Gujarat in 24 hours


20 deaths, 340 new coronavirus cases in Gujarat in 24 hours
Ahmedabad, May 15 () The total number ofcoronavirus cases in Gujarat reached 9,932 on Friday with 340new cases being reported since previous night, 261 of them inAhmedabad district, a senior official said.

During the same period, 20 persons succumbed to theinfection, taking the death toll due to coronavirus in thestate to 606, said Principal Secretary, Health, Jayanti Ravi.

On the other hand, 282 COVID-19 patients weredischarged from hospitals across the state, taking the totalnumber of recovered patients to 4,035, she said.

According to Ravi, the recovery rate has reached 40.62per cent from 38.43 per cent as of Thursday.

Among those who walked out of hospitals after recoverywas a 90-year-old COVID-19 patient woman in Vadodara whodefeated virus, disproving the notion that it is hard for agedpersons to recover from infection, Ravi said.

Of the 340 new cases recorded in Gujarat in 24 hours,261 were from Ahmedabad district alone.

Other districts where significant number of cases werefound since Thursday night were Surat (32), Vadodara (15),Rajkot (12) and Gandhinagar (11).

14 patients died in Ahmedabad, three in Surat and oneeach in Panchmahal, Anand and Mehsana districts.

Out of 9,932 cases recorded in Gujarat so far, as manyas 7,171 were reported in Ahmedabad district, followed by1,015 in Surat and 625 in Vadodara. A majority of deaths werealso reported in these three districts.

While 479 coronavirus patients have died so far inAhmedabad, 47 have died in Surat and 32 in Vadodara.

Gujarat COVID-19 figures are, thus, as follows:Positive cases 9,932, new cases 340, deaths 606, discharged4,035, active cases 5,291 and people tested so far 1,27,859. PJT PDKRK KRK

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