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13 fresh COVID-19 cases in Telangana;State gets Centre's nod for plasma therapy


13 fresh COVID-19 cases in Telangana;State gets Centre's nod for plasma therapy
Hyderabad, Apr 24 () The Telangana government hasgot the Centre's approval to use plasma therapy in thetreatment of COVID-19 patients, state Health MinisterE Rajender said on Friday, as 13 fresh cases of the virus werereported.

With 13 fresh cases reported on Friday, the numberof virus cases reported in the state rose to 983, he said.

No death occurred on Friday and the number of peoplewho succumbed to the virus in the state was 25, Rajender said.

The number of people who have been discharged fromhospitals was 291.

The number of active cases was 663, he said.

"Plasma therapy.We applied. We did not get permission.

We asked how can it be so late (in givingpermission), it should be given on war-footing and that itshould be accepted.

They (Centre) said you can do it and permission isdeemed to have been given...They gave permission to us also.

We will use it for patients who are serious," he toldreporters here.

He hoped that, as per the current trend, there wouldbe decline in cases in Vikarabad, Gadwal, Suryapet districts,where considerable number of cases have been reported, andalso in the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC)area.

The majority of the cases in Telangana have beenreported from the GHMC.

"If todays trend continues, there would be controlsoon and it could be positive in Telangana," he said.

Hoping for an increase in discharge of COVID-19patients after recovery, he, however, said there is variationin the number of days it took for patients to test negative.

Rajender, who cited an instance of a doctor beingturned away by his relatives and others when he had gone totheir residence, deprecated the tendency of showing anunjustified and unfair attitude towards medical personnel.

The Telangana government would not spare insults orviolence towards doctors, he said.

The minister, who attended a video conference heldby Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan on Friday, said theUnion Minister appreciated the state governments work (invirus containment) and also for converting a sports facilityin Hyderabad into a hospital for COVID-19.

Replying to a query, he said no no doctor testedpositive for COVID-19 in the state.

A lab technician at Gadwal in the state is reportedto have tested positive, the minister said.

The state government has taken all measures forpersonal protection of medical personnel from the beginning,he asserted.

The government has arranged stay for doctors athotels so that they don't need to go home, he said.

There is no shortage of N-95 masks, PPE kits andother equipment, Rajender said.

Taking exception to some social media posts,complaining about food and others being provided in hospital,he said the government is providing good quality andnutritious meals to the patients in hospitals.

He said 81 per cent of patients are asymptomatic.

The city-based Indian Institute of ChemicalTechnology, a constituent laboratory of Council of Scientificand Industrial Research, is collaborating with another city-based LAXAI LifeSciences to jointly develop and manufactureActive Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) and Intermediates toreduce the dependency of Indian Pharma sector on Chineseimports, according to an official release.

The police continued strict implementation oflockdown in the state, aimed at containing the spread ofCOVID-19. SJR GDK BNWELCOME BNWELCOME

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