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In 1974, the US Forest Service created an incredibly detailed bartending guide

Apr 4, 2015, 00:57 IST

Back in 1974, the US Forest Service took it upon themselves to create an incredibly detailed chart documenting the proper way to mix a variety of cocktails.


And why not?

This is delightful:

The National Archives Catalog

It's full of wonderful details, and as a former bartender, I have to say that I'm a fan of most of the "self appointed barmasters" recipes - though I prefer an older version of the Old Fashioned without the maraschino cherry and orange slice.

Look at these details:


Everything carefully laid out. if you can't read it, here's a zoom in of the legend they've used to indicate all the different directions and ingredients:

And approved by quite the cast of characters:


[H/T Kottke and Food and Wine]

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