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I loved the Microsoft Surface Pro 4 tablet - until I got two busted devices in a row

Nov 17, 2015, 00:55 IST

Matt Weinberger/Business Insider

For the past month or so, I've used an Apple MacBook Air, Lenovo Yoga Pro 2, Dell XPS 13, and most recently, a Microsoft Surface Pro 4 - the tablet Microsoft says can replace your laptop.


I don't know about that last part.

But when it comes to actually getting stuff done, I love using the Microsoft Surface Pro 4, which starts at $899, more than any other computer I've ever tried. Including the MacBook Air.

Which is why it was so was heartbreaking when two consecutive Surface Pro 4 tablets up and died on me.

Here's why I loved using the Surface Pro 4, and what went wrong.


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