Thomson Reuters
Snapchat's recent design overhaul is here to stay, whether users like it or not.
That's according to Snap Inc. executives, in response to an online petition pleading with the developers to revert to an older version of the app.
Despite the 1.2 million signatures on that petition, and the disapproval of notable Snapchat user Kylie Jenner, Snap insists the update is ultimately what's best for the user and that they are confident everyone will learn to love it eventually.
Naturally, all this hullabaloo seems ridiculous for those who have never interacted with the famously difficult-to-use photo sharing app, which critics argue has only become less intuitive since the update.
Luckily, I'm a millennial who has been practicing the unrecognized art of explaining how to use technology all my life, I'm a shameless Snapchat fan, and I'm here to help.
Here's everything you need to know to use the new-look Snapchat, and a guide to all the quirks that will have you perfecting your Snap skills in no time!
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