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How to use the best new feature in Apple Maps

Sep 22, 2015, 21:36 IST

Tech Insider

One of the biggest features in iOS 9, Apple's new software update for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch, is the addition of public transit directions in Apple Maps.


Other mapping apps, like Google Maps and City Mapper, have had public transit directions for years. But this is the first time that Apple Maps, which the company rolled out disastrously in 2012, has provided directions for buses and subways.

For now, Apple's transit directions only work in a handful of cities - Baltimore, Chicago, London, Mexico City, New York City, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Toronto, Washington DC, and parts of China.

But if you're in a city that's supported and you use a bus or subway, Apple Maps might replace Google Maps, as the main app you use to get around.

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